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Helping Hands Charity Mityana

Helping the orphans of Mityana, inspiring them to also help their brothers & sisters


Giving hope to children of Mityana, Uganda

There are countless abandoned orphans living on the streets of Uganda. They have very little food to eat. They grow up stunted and with weak constitution susceptible to illness. They lack education. Many orphaned girls end up becoming sex workers where they risk HIV/AIDS. 

Without help, the children are almost certainly destined for starvation, prison, and life of poverty.

How can we end this viscous cycle?

We can start by helping them, showing them kindness, giving them a family, and hopefully inspiring them to help others in the future. That is the only way to end this cycle. It is a battle between kindness and apathy within us.

Who will win?

We started helping the children in 2014 and later established the Helping Hands Charity Mityana to provide a place to stay and eat for over 30 children, thanks to individual donors overseas.

Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a meaningful difference in the lives of these children.

We can Make a Difference Together

Sometimes, the situation is overwhelming. Sometimes, children cannot eat for days. 

We cannot do enough for the children. About ONE US Dollar can feed a child for one day. We rely on your kindness to make a difference in the lives of these children. We can do it together.


Feeding and clothing the children is the most basic task of Helping Hands Charity Mityana. 

Since 2014, kind donors abroad has been sending us contribution to keep these children fed. Together with the donors, we are a team, who can can make great difference in the lives of these children. 


Feeding the Children

Food & Water - the most basic needs


This is the house we rent from a local (Mr. Henry) for the children to sleep. 

They sleep on the floor as brothers and sisters.

Here they learn to share what little they have, starting from the space to sleep.

Without such place, they will be out on the streets, sleeping on the streets, and begging for food and money. 

On the streets, they are likely to die of hunger and illness, go to prison, or be trafficked to become sex workers. 


Soccer is also part of our program for the children, hoping to raise talents within them. This could be very important when they grow up,

It makes the children healthy while having hope for the future to become world soccer stars like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.

It gives them dreams, and these children especially need dreams.


Teachning Soccer

Building Bonds & Hope


Children need food, housing, and dreams to live. They also need education for their future.

The God's Grace Learning Centre is located about 200 meters from the home. We try to provide the children with books, pencils, notebooks, and shoes that they need. 

The primary schools runs 4 terms a year. There is a school fee, but they also get a meal at the school.

Thank you so much for taking interest and visiting our site!

Please consider extending your helping hands by periodic donation or joining the 12-month Sponsor-A-Child program by clicking the below links!


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+256 781234756 (Helping Hands Charity Mityana)

+256 785376424 (Edward Kayima)

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