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Our Story

Anything Is Possible

My name is Edward Kayima, I live in Mityana, Uganda. I’m passionate about the community development and the rising of the children, that’s why I started this program of helping the needy, orphans and homeless kids. These children are desperate for food, education, clothes, mattresses, blankets, etc.
My team and I have been working effortlessly to feed the orphans and the needy children in our community, but we are really struggling due to lack of supplies and resources at the shelter and this leads to the starvation of the children.
I got an idea of starting helping the children in 2014 because I myself went through in the same situation when I lost my parents i and my brother reached at an extent of becoming street kids.
The large number of needy children, orphans and street kids being neglected, abandoned and child abuse often caused by a lot of pandemics including poverty, hunger, diseases such as HIV/AIDS, death and moral degeneration in the community led us to start Helping Hands Charity Mityana.
We started this program in order to provide care, food and clean water life skills, medical, shelter and education to the needy children.
There is a lot of children who live and sleep on the streets in Uganda and when the police come they get dispersed and some are caught and end up in jail, female kids turn into sex workers, this is so dangerous to their lives because they are at a risk of getting HIV/AIDS 
This breaks my heart and sometimes I cry whenever I see these kids suffering, starving and living on empty stomachs, so I decided helping supporting and sharing with them the little.
I have faith and I believe God will bring in donors and sponsors who can share the little they have with these children to make their future brighter. Our mission is to provide these children with food, clothing,  medication and eventually help them get back to school, so we need the WOLRD’S support, donations and praying for these children because they are the leaders of tomorrow.
Soccer is also part of the programs we do for the children, as for me I grew up a footballer, so I had an impact to raise talents within the kids and this could be very important in the lives when they grow up, it makes the kids healthy and could be very productive in future as you can see people like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi have become world soccer stars, they are very rich because of talents.
We adopted 32 children whom we cater for, by seeing that their daily needs are provided. Due to high poverty rate in the community, I must admit that it has been really tough for us to raise adequate funds to cater for all their needs.
We want to buy a piece of land if God wishes, where we can build a school to provide free education to the community children, we want to build an orphanage home on the same land where the kids can reside and also to start farming on the land, growing our own food and crops and harvesting  food for home use, I hope there won’t be more begging for food as we shall be harvesting our own food, keeping and rearing animals will be included also as we get this land, animals would provide milk to the children so that they become more healthier.
I’m very proud of what we try to do to help the kids when we can and I’m kindly requesting anyone who can donate and share prayers to join us to make a better place for the children.
Your support is their hope please let’s starts giving to save lives.
God bless you all.

- Edward Kayima

March 2022~ March 2023 Registration
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