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Common Questions

Let's Always Keep in Touch!

This is a collection of all the questions we are asked most often. If there is anything we didn’t cover, please let us know.

Where is the Helping Hands Charity Mityana located?

The Helping Hands Charity Mityana is located in the village called Kiyoganyi, in the Mityana District.

We rent a house from Mr. Henry, where more than 30 children sleep.
The school that children goes to is located only about 200 meters away, and is called the God's Grace Learning Centre.

The Health Centre is located across the street from the school.
The home is shown in this Google Map.

What do you plan to for the children as they grow up?

We sometimes need to ask the community families to adopt children, but only because we cannot take care of them. When the families adopt our children, we try to continue to offer food for the adopted children.

As the children grow up, we hope to send them to technical schools so that they can obtain skills for them to work and become a productive part of the community.

How do you provide for the food for the children?

We do not receive help from any particular organization. We mainly receive donations from individuals, mostly from overseas.

The food cost is about one dollar per day for each children.

In reality, there are many days where children cannot eat. 

If we can send children to school, the school offers one meal each day.

How do you provide for clothing for the children?

We usually get some little donations from individuals overseas to buy some clothes for the children. 

Sometimes, they send clothes to us through the post service.

How is the water situation?

We fetch water from wells mostly especially in the dry season. 

Individual donors have paid for a water tank where we collect rain water, which sometimes is not reliable.

Is there electricity in the village?

There is no electricity at home and at the school, because they are far from the center of Mityana. The home and the school is located about 7 kilometers from a paved road. 

Is there public transportation in the village?

There is a public bus going through the village. There are also taxi services to get to the village from Mityana city center.

How can we communicate directly with the local team?

We use emails, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp to communicate with sponsors overseas.

How is the economic situation in Uganda?

The state of economy is very poor in our area. The community survives generally on small farms.

Is Human Trafficking an issue in the area?

Human trafficking is not common in our area. However, it is at the trading centre, where children are picked from streets, and female children eventually become sex workers when they don’t have anywhere to work and live.

How is the medical care situation for the children?

There is a small health center in our area but unfortunately it doesn’t possess all the medications required.

Sometimes when the children get sick we have to transport them to the town for a better medication.

Are WFP and other international organization available to help?

There are WFP activities in Uganda, but we guess that they focus on refugees.

We have not heard of them in our village.

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