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Sponsor A Child

Helping Hands Charity Mityana Child Sponsorship Program

What is it about?

There are currently 32 children staying at our Home. They need food, clothing, educational supplies, and primary school fee. We had very kind people helping us since the beginning (2014), but sometimes the funds have been unstable such that there were days we did not have enough to feed the children.

In order to assure that they have consistent support, we started the child sponsorship program. In this program, a sponsor would either select or be matched with a child for a period of 12 months. The sponsor would commit to either paying for the monthly food (called "basic support") and/or school costs (called "education support") for the sponsorship period.

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What are the types of support they need?

Basic Support: The monthly food costs is about 30USD for each child.

Education Support: The primary school education costs around 45USD per month, which include shoes, notebooks, pencils, textbooks, and school fees (100~150USD per term). 

Partial Support: We also appreciate any monthly commitment from 5USD and above as "partial support" for each child. 

The sponsors will receive updates and personal appreciation messages from the child each month. 

How do we use the collected funds?

In general, the "basic support" and "partial support" funds will be used to feed all of the children at home while the "education support" will be used exclusively for the sponsored child. However, if we do not have enough food for the 32 children, feeding all of them will be the priority. In such case, the "education support" will be used for that purpose. This is why we encourage the sponsors to prioritize giving the "basic support" first. 

Selection of a Child

You can either specify the child you want to sponsor, or can leave it to us to select a child. For "basic support" and "partial support", we will select randomly, and for "educational support", we will prioritize a child who is more willing to learn in school. 

Monthly Updates and Messages

You can always send an encouraging message to the child you are sponsoring, to give them hope and love. We will send photos and videos of the child with updates to an email address or via SNS of your choice. We may be able to arrange a video call, if the network situation is good in the village.

How to Sign Up?

Read through this page and complete the form linked at the end of this page

In case you want to select a child, please view the list of the children on this page, and specify their name and age in your form. 

After the submission, we will contact you.

How do Sponsors send the Monthly Donation?

We currently do not have an automatic monthly payment option.

We can receive your donation through the following methods:


Western Union Mobile Wallet

Moneygram Mobile Wallet

Please go to the DONATE NOW page to see the details.

You must use the full name in your payment so that we can know you are sending the funds for the child sponsorship. 

IMPORTANT: We are sorry for the inconvenience, but because sometimes we don't receive enough information who sent the donation online, please send a message that you sent the donation to

Your Privacy

Your privacy is very important for us. You can specify how you want to be called by the child and is recorded in this website as a sponsor. Or you can be anonymous. As a default, we will only use your first name.  You will also have an option to send a photo of yourself, to let the child know the face of his/her supporter. We will not publish your information without your explicit consent.

Thank you

Thanks to warm-hearted people who care to visit this page and take interest... we can continue to support these children. Thank you so much for your care. It is okay not to be able to give much... and please share with your friends and family. Please continue to care, and together we have hope of ending the cycle of suffering that these innocent children face.

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Meet The Children

Blue Skies

Sponsorship Application Form

Before you go onto filling the form, make sure you read the entire page.

Also, if you prefer to select a child, note down the child's name and age.

The link below will open a new browser window and will take you to an online form (Google) to complete the information. After the form is submitted, we will contact you as soon as we can. 

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